We Got Married (Hangul: 우리 결혼했어요) is a reality South Korean variety show. It is one of the segments for the Sunday Sunday Night program. Highlighting the "marriages" of four celebrity couples at a time, the program shows what life would be like if each of these couples had really married.
On this show, celebrities are paired together (participants don't choose who their partner is, but the pairings are set up by the PD) and have to portray themselves as a real life couple. They are given a mission each week, such as housewarming party, couple vacation, meeting the families, etc. In between scenes there are interviews with the participants asking questions about their day, as well as discussion about conflicts and developments in the relationships. The actual date of recording and the interviews are all prefilmed and the participants and MCs watch it all back. Each side of the couple would privately express their thoughts and confessions that were not revealed to each other in person.
kalo diterjemahin asal-asalan kadinya kayak gini nih
WGM adalah sebuah acara yang setiap hari sabtu ditayangkan di MBC, dimana 1 selebritis cewek dan cowok seakan-akan menjalani sebuah pernikahan, saat ini yang sedang tayang di WGM adalah Adam Couple, Sweet Potatoes Couple, dan Khuntoria Couple.
Untuk WGM Adam Couple terdiri dari 2AM JoKwon adan BEG GaIn . menurut saya couple ini yang paling kocak, mereka udah bisa akrab sejak awal episode .
WGM Sweet Potatoes terdiri dari C.N. Blue Younghwa dan SNSD Seohyun, pasangan ini bisa disebut unik soalnya sampai episode terakhir mereka masih canggung satu sama lain.
dan yang terakhir adalah WGM Khuntoria, yaitu 2PM Nichkchun dan F(x) Victoria, mereka berasal dari 2 negara yang berbeda Khun dari Thailand dan Vic dari China.
tunggu postingan tentang WGM selanjutnya yaaa..... annyeong (안녕)....
On this show, celebrities are paired together (participants don't choose who their partner is, but the pairings are set up by the PD) and have to portray themselves as a real life couple. They are given a mission each week, such as housewarming party, couple vacation, meeting the families, etc. In between scenes there are interviews with the participants asking questions about their day, as well as discussion about conflicts and developments in the relationships. The actual date of recording and the interviews are all prefilmed and the participants and MCs watch it all back. Each side of the couple would privately express their thoughts and confessions that were not revealed to each other in person.
kalo diterjemahin asal-asalan kadinya kayak gini nih
WGM adalah sebuah acara yang setiap hari sabtu ditayangkan di MBC, dimana 1 selebritis cewek dan cowok seakan-akan menjalani sebuah pernikahan, saat ini yang sedang tayang di WGM adalah Adam Couple, Sweet Potatoes Couple, dan Khuntoria Couple.
Untuk WGM Adam Couple terdiri dari 2AM JoKwon adan BEG GaIn . menurut saya couple ini yang paling kocak, mereka udah bisa akrab sejak awal episode .
WGM Sweet Potatoes terdiri dari C.N. Blue Younghwa dan SNSD Seohyun, pasangan ini bisa disebut unik soalnya sampai episode terakhir mereka masih canggung satu sama lain.
dan yang terakhir adalah WGM Khuntoria, yaitu 2PM Nichkchun dan F(x) Victoria, mereka berasal dari 2 negara yang berbeda Khun dari Thailand dan Vic dari China.
tunggu postingan tentang WGM selanjutnya yaaa..... annyeong (안녕)....
Source : Indowebster, en.wikipedia, dora2892
khuntoria jjang !!bagus..lanjutan chingu